The Milky Way: A template for disk galaxy chemical evolution or a unique case?

时间:July 25th, Thursday, 10 am   地点: The small conference room at the 3rd floor
报告人:Boquan Erwin Chen( Australian National University)

The Parkes Pulsar Timing Array – project overview and searches for nanohertz-frequency gravitational waves

时间:10:00 am July 12th (Friday)   地点: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
报告人:Andrew Zic,Australia Telescope National Facility

Protoplanetary disk substructures and planet formation

时间:3:00 pm July 11th (Thursday)   地点: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
报告人:Xuening Bai,Tsinghua University

Super-Earths are Common in Jupiter-like Orbits

时间:3: 00pm, July 05th (Friday)   地点: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
报告人:Weicheng Zang (Harvard University)

Exploring the dynamical nature of the late-time cosmic acceleration in light of DESI 2024

时间:3:00 pm July 04th (Thursday)   地点: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor

The complex kinematics of the young stars orbiting the Sgr A* in the Galactic Center

时间:3: 00pm, June 28th (Friday)   地点: Big conference room, 3rd floor
报告人:Prof. Douglas Lin (USCS/Tsinghua Univ.)

A detailed look at the structure in the inner few parsecs of the Galactic Center

时间:9:30am-10:30am, June 28th (Friday)   地点: Middle conference room 3rd floor
报告人:Xinyu Mai 麦馨予, University of Kansas

A Lyman-alpha View of the Universe

时间:10:00 am, June 27th (Thursday)   地点: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
报告人:Zheng Zheng, University of Utah

On the IAU and IAG actions for updating the Earth's rotation theory and precession-nutation models

时间:21 June (Friday), 2:00-3:00 PM   地点: 3rd Floor, small meeting room
报告人:Prof. José M. Ferrándiz (University of Alicante, Spain)

AI4Astro: Exploring Star Formation and the ISM through Artificial Intelligence

时间:9:30am-10:30am, June 20th (Thursday)   地点: Small conference room 3rd floor
报告人:Duo Xu 许铎, University of Virginia

Evolution of Cold Gas Fraction, Depletion Time and Kinematics of High-redshift Galaxies

时间:3:00 pm June 20th (Thursday)   地点: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
报告人:Daizhong Liu (刘岱钟) (Purple Mountain Observatory )

Flows For The Masses: The first non-linear perturbative power spectrum for massive neutrinos in cosmology

时间:3:00 pm June 13th (Thursday)   地点: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
报告人:Amol Upadhye (Yunnan University)

Uncovering the first-infall history of the LMC through its dynamical impact in the Milky Way halo(通过LMC在银河系晕中的动力学影响揭示其首次掉落的轨道历史)

时间:3:00 pm, June 12th, Wednesday   地点: Small conference room 3rd floor
报告人:Yanjun Sheng (盛衍钧), Australian National University

地球物理和天体物理流体力学系列讲座--Dynamic of the system Pluto-Charon : determination of commensurabilities

时间:2024年6 月 11 日(周二)上午 10:30   地点: 三楼大会议室
报告人:Alain Vienne 教授 (巴黎天文台,里尔大学)

地球物理和天体物理流体力学系列讲座--Latest astrometric results for the Saturnian system

时间:2024年 6 月 11 日(周二) 上午9:30   地点: 三楼大会议室
报告人:Valery Lainey 研究员 (巴黎天文台)

The Milky Way in the Era of Galacto-seismology(银震学时代的银河系研究)

时间:3:00 pm June 06th (Thursday)   地点: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
报告人:Zhaoyu Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

The physics of fast radio bursts

时间:4:15 pm May 30th (Thursday)   地点: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
报告人:Bing Zhang(UNLV)

Radiation and Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei

时间:3:00 pm May 30th (Thursday)   地点: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
报告人:Zhen-Yi Cai (USTC)

Galaxy assembly revealed by the life cycle of star clusters

时间:May 31th, 3-4 pm, Friday   地点: Small conference room 3rd floor
报告人:Yingtian Chen(University of Michigan Department of Astronomy)

A Panoptic View of Massive Star Forming Regions in the Milky Way

时间:9: 00 am, May 29th, Wednesday   地点: Middle conference room 3rd floor
报告人:Pablo Garcia(NAOC)